As a non-profit organization dedicated to helping in the fight against cancer, Headers For Hope is committed to raising money and giving back to local cancer charities through the support and dedication of those within the world of sports.

By incorporating the love of the game with the desire to help those in need, Headers For Hope works with tournaments from every sport to develop and execute events that give back for a good cause.

Funds raised and donated in the name of Headers For Hope will help to assist communities improve the cancer experience of those affected with this life challenge. 

Option #1

Event advertises that a charity will be identified and a competition will be held between the teams attending the event to raise funds for the [Headers] for Hope.

a.    A [name] can be selected to identify with the sporting event – mutually agreed with Headers for Hope

b.    Event selects a local Cancer program for the funds to be allocated – Hospice, Children’s Hospital, etc.

c.    The Event advertises on all event materials (registration, web site, postings) identifying [name] for Hope is collecting donations for X local organization.

d.    Teams raise funds before arriving to the event –

e.    Event and Headers for Hope establishes contest rules for the attending teams to be posted in prior event materials. A list of the competition rules and potential prizes for a team that raises the most donations and a prize for the club that raises the largest amount will also be published in pre-event materials. Two tier structure – more winners, more reason to fund raise

f.     Identify a pin or plastic bracelet to represent [name] for Hope program

g.    Event provides a booth for Headers for Hope to display programs and for the local charity to provide information on their work

h.    Event gets to use Headers for Hope identification on their event materials and web site

i.      80% goes to local charity & 20% goes to Headers for Hope for overhead

Option #2

Event advertises a dedicated percentage of all entry fees to be donated to the [Headers] for Hope.

a.    A [name] can be selected to identify with the sporting event – mutually agreed upon with Headers for Hope

b.    Event selects a local charitable cancer program for the funds to be allocated – Hospice, Children’s Hospital, etc.

c.    80% of proceeds will be awarded to the locally identified charity (cancer related organization)

d.    20% goes to Headers for Hope for overhead expenses and event materials to be distributed

e.    Event provides a booth for Headers for Hope to display programs and for the local charity to provide information on their work.

f.     Event has the ability to use Hope identification on their event materials and web site

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